National Plan & Provider Enumeration System
NPI Registry Lookup
The NPI Registry Lookup assists the user to search the provider’s NPPES information. The data that the user retrieves is in a READ-ONLY format. There is no charge to use the NPI Registry. Once you reach National Plan and Provider Enumeration Systems (NPPES) homepage, you will need to choose NPI REGISTRY which allows you to choose indvidual or organizational providers.
Physicians Guide to Laboratory Testing
ARUP Consult
Assists clinician with test selection and interpretation. User is able to browse disease, topics with algorithms.
Mayo Algorithm
Assists clinician with test selection and interpretation. User is able to browse disease, topics with algorithms.
Esoteric Testing
ARUP Laboratories
Mayo Reference Laboratories
North Dakota Department of Health
Regulatory Sites
CLIA Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments
CLSI Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
COLA Commission on Office Laboratory Accreditation
HCCA Health Care Compliance Association
HCCA Health Care Compliance Association
JCAHO Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
Patient Education
Lab Tests Online
A Public resource on clinical lab testing.
Medical Training Solutions
MTS Medical Training Solutions
Medical Organizations
AAB American Association of Bioanalysts
AABB American Association of Blood Banks
AACC American Association for Clinical Chemistry
AAI American Association of Immunologists
AAPA American Association of Pathologists’ Assistants
AAPOL American Association of Physician Offices and Laboratories
ABHI American Board of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
ACA American Certification Agency for Healthcare Professionals
ACLA American Clinical Laboratory Association
AGT Association of Genetic Technologists
ALA Association for Laboratory Automation
AMP Association for Molecular Pathology
AMS/AAB Associate Member Section of the American Association of Bioanalysts
AMT American Medical Technologists
APHA American Public Health Association
APHL American Public Health Laboratories
ASA American Society of Andrology
ASC American Society of Cytopathology
ASCLS American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science
ASCP American Society for Clinical Pathology
ASCT American Society for Cytotechnology
ASH American Society of Hematology
ASHI American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
ASM American Society for Microbiology
ASN American Society of Nephrology
ASPT American Society of Phlebotomy Technicians
CAP College of American Pathologists
CLAS Clinical Ligand Assay Society
CLMA: The Resource for Laboratory Professionals
CMS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
HIMSS Health Information and Management Systems Society
ISLH International Society for Laboratory Hematology
NACB National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry
NCA National Credentialing Agency for Laboratory Personnel
NLTN National Laboratory Training Network
North Dakota Board of Clinical Laboratory Practice
NPA National Phlebotomy Association
NSH National Society for Histotechnology
United Blood Services
USCAP United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology